venerdì 25 febbraio 2011

One of the most exciting things about costume parties.. when someone says hi to you, and of course you say hi back, and you have no idea who he/she is, until a few minutes after. I don't know why but this always happens to me. I have to say it's hard for me to realise when the costume is so well executed. So congratulations to that people that spends hours making a costume. In my case, I just look at my closet and pick some clothes that more or less aproach to something like in this case (golf player).

mercoledì 16 febbraio 2011

Cheers to new begginings!

I've just found out I have a new place to live, I mean while studying, a new apartment.
Great news for me, because i've been looking for months.. What's only left is the moving. A piece of cakeeeeeee.

martedì 15 febbraio 2011

Introducing New Ideas

Mmm It's summer.. And I am kind of bored because I have nothing better to do, university starts in april. So I decided I will introduced a few changes in my blog:
I will start to post more often and I will ask my friends to write some articles as guests editor hahah. So let's see what they can offer...

domenica 13 febbraio 2011

No Title

"5 things that drive me crazy"

1- Everyone yelling at home instead of talking
2- "La ebria" when he is in a good mood and making jokes
3- Impolite people
4- Having to go to unviersity in the afternoon
5- My sister when she talks to her dog

"5 Cosas que me ponen en furia"

1- Que en mi casa todos griten
2- La ebria cuando esta de buen humor y haciendose la graciosa
3- Que la gente sea maleducada
4- Tener que ir a media tarde a la facultad
5- Mi hermana hablando con su perra

venerdì 4 febbraio 2011

Pai umbanda

Hoy ue un dia raro. Fui a lo de una pai umbanda a que me tirara los buzios (una especie de caracoles con los cuales te cuentan como sos, aspectos a cambiar y futuro) yla verdad es que todavia me siento un poco esceptico.
Me dijo varias cosas, entre ellas que debo cambiar algunos aspectos de mi vida para conservar mis "amistades", que mi salud esta bien y que este va a ser mi año. Me dejo helado. Nose si sera verdad y si creerle todavia. Quiero creer que si, por lo tanto voy aintentar mejorar, pero no veo la hora de repetir la experiencia a ver que onda, si acerto o no. Recomiendo la experiencia, ya que de todas las "brujas, adivinas" que he ido, esta a sido la mas seria.